Depression hypnotherapy. It helps!

Depression hypnotherapy in Gillingham, Kent

When a person is in the throes of depression they often may not even know it themselves. Depression is not something that we can see, is often misunderstood, and as a consequence can often go unnoticed
and undiagnosed, leaving the sufferer, and his/her loved ones living in a personal hedepression hypnotherapyll.

Often it  takes loved ones to notice that there is something wrong and  seek the help that is required. But of course not everyone has supportive loving relationships. This is all the harder for the suffer as if they have no-one to turn to they  may end up feeling alone and isolated and ultimately suicidal.

Depression hypnotherapy with DO Hypnosis Kent can help you overcome depression and low mood .

If you feel that there is something wrong but are unsure if you are depressed have a look at the following symptoms. If you have five of these symptoms or more, you are very likely suffering with depression .

  • Do you feel unhappy most of the time? Has this been going on for a prolonged period of time?
  • Have you lost interest in life in general?
  • Do you have difficulty enjoying everything you do? Has this been going on for a prolonged period of time
  • Do you find it difficult to make decisions ?
  • Do you find that you can’t cope a lot of the time with normal life pressures and mundane tasks?
  • Are you tired a lot of the time?
  • Do you find yourself sleeping a lot more than usual?
  • Have you recently lost a lot of weight or put on a lot of weight?
  • Do you have sleeping problems?
  • Have you lost interest in sex?
  • Do you have low self esteem of have you lost all your self-confidence?
  • Do you have feelings of uselessness ,inadequacy or hopelessness?
  • Have you become reclusive or insular?
  • Are you easily irritated ?
  • Do you struggle to start your day?
  • Do you ever have suicidal thoughts?

I have answered yes to five or more of the above questions and I think I may be depressed. What can  I do about it ?

If you are having suicidal thoughts it is imperative that you seek help from  your GP immediately. Your GP will be able to monitor how severe your depression is and  refer you on for specialist help if this is required, and or prescribe medication to stabilise you in the first instance .

The first course of action if you think that you are suffering from depression is to go and see your GP.

Your GP will diagnose whether your are suffering with depression, and will refer you onto a specialist if this is required. They  will explain the options that you have available to you to help manage your depression.

The following options for treatment should be given to you by your GP and whichever course of action you take is dependent on why you have become depressed in the first place as well as your own personal preferences for recovery.


Psychotherapy involves talking to a counsellor or trained therapist about your problems. Depending on the problem this is done as couples therapy, group therapy or individual therapy .

Talking therapies can be very good for people that need someone unbiased to talk to and who do not have a good support network or loved ones they can turn to when they are having difficulties in their life. Often  talking can help you see your problems in a fresh light and make it easier for you to can find your own solution.

However, for some clients, such as clients that may be suffering with Post Traumatic Stress syndrome for example, talking about past trauma can often re-traumatise a client. The counsellor needs to be highly skilled and adept at recognising that for some clients this form of therapy can be more damaging than beneficial. Also if there is not a good rapport between the counsellor and the client the client can often leave counselling feeling that they are beyond help, and thus avoid further therapy.

The truth is that the relationship between the counsellor and the client is just as important as picking a fully qualified therapist. Sadly , depressed clients are not usually in a frame of mind to recognise a bad/inept or unethical therapist and will blame themselves if the counselling is unsuccessful. It is very important when you pick a therapist that you ensure that they are properly qualified to deal with your problem. Also if you feel uncomfortable or do not like your therapist, it is ok for you to change to another therapist that you do feel comfortable with.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

A CBT therapist will help you identify and restructure negative thought patterns that are keeping you trapped in the cycle of depression. Negative thought patterns are often learned behaviours and thoughts that are having a negative impact on your life. A CBT therapist will not analyse your past or rehash old trauma. CBT is solution orientated and a CBT therapist will work with the problems in the here and now, working on improving your state of mind on a practical level as well as a cognitive level. CBT has proven to be very successful for depression and especially when used in conjunction with cognitive hypnotherapy.*


Hypnotherapy used in conjunction with CBT is very effective for managing depression, and research is now proving that there are beneficial changes that occur in certain parts of the brain when a person is under hypnosis.* The added benefit of  hypnotherapy is that there is very little conscious talking involved , which means that for people that have suffered trauma there is less chance of re- traumatisation.*

In addition, hypnotherapy for depression targets the unconscious mind directly helping to change behaviours and thought patterns at the  very core of the problem.* It is relaxing and the sessions are conducted over a much shorter time span than other therapies.*

However, hypnotherapy is not (as yet) a regulated profession so unfortunately this means there is not a national standard that a hypnotherapist needs to abide by in order to practice.

Again it is crucial that when you are picking  a therapist that you look at their credentials, their qualifications and the governing bodies they belong to.

There are many hypnotherapy governing bodies out there at the moment that claim to be THE governing body, however, it is important to understand that a lot of these organisations can be set up by anyone and are usually profit making organisations .

The Complementary and Natural Healthcare council (CNHC ) was set up by the Government (the department of health funding) to protect the public and only accepts  hypnotherapists that have bona-fide qualifications . If you are looking for a reputable hypnotherapist this is the most important and credible organisation that a hypnotherapist can belong to. The British Society of Clinical Hypnosis ( BSCH) is the only governing body in the UK where members hold post graduate University accredited qualifications in hypnotherapy.


Most GP’S will prescribe anti-depressants if they diagnose you with depression. Antidepressants boost serotonin and noradrenaline levels . It is thought that depressed people have reduced levels of these two neurotransmitters, however research is now showing that serotonin levels can be boosted naturally without the use of antidepressants.

The drawbacks with anti-depressants are that there are always side effects, and the tablets do not treat the root cause of the problem , so as soon as you try to come off them you are likely to find yourself falling back into depression  again. Also, once you decide to come off antidepressants you may suffer with withdrawal symptoms.

The reality is that antidepressants are not an instant and magic fix to depression and low mood. Yes they can help but ultimately the route of the issue needs to be addressed as well.  Tablets will not take away the fact that you had an abusive childhood, they do not solve your financial problems, they do not solve the fact that you are in an abusive relationship that is making you depressed and they do not cure loneliness or help you come to terms with a  bereavement .

Depression hypnotherapy, Gillingham,Kent

I am fully qualified clinical hypnotherapist working with cognitive behavioural therapy to help my clients gets to the core cause of their depression.*

I target the subconscious with positive suggestion and address negative thought patterns under hypnosis.*

I also work on a conscious cognitive level to help change outdated beliefs, attitudes and thought patterns that are no longer serving a positive purpose in your life.*

I will never tell you to stop taking any medication that has been prescribed by your GP and I always advise that my work with you is adjunctive to your GP’S suggestions. This multi-modal approach ensures that your mental health is being cared for by two professionals.*

I am a fully qualified and accredited clinical hypnotherapist and also attained  an honours degree in Psychology.

I am registered with the CNHC, BSCH and also a member of the National Hypnotherapy Directory.

My depression hypnotherapy courses are conducted over six sessions at a cost of £370.00.

I ask a £50 deposit on booking in , and the balance payable at the first session.

If you would like to book in for depression hypnotherapy please call me on 01634 307030 or email me on Alternatively please look at my treatments page on my website

Please note results may vary from person to person. There are never guarantees when undergoing any form of therapy and for this reason we do not offer any guarantees for any of our hypnotherapy services. *